Thursday, December 29, 2022

Prototype Photo Series: Seaboard US&S CTC Panel

During a road trip this fall, I was able to swing by the North Carolina Transportation Museum and take a bunch of pictures of the Union Switch and Signal CTC Panel from the Seaboard's line in North Carolina.

At this stage, I wouldn't expect any of these panels to still be in service on a US based railroad, so seeing one in actual action would be limited to some years ago.

This panel is in decent condition; some of the levers are apparently broken and hang down, instead of being in a expected position, but otherwise, the model board is in good shape and most of the lamps are present as well.
There seems to be some sort of automation of the various lamps coming on here and there to simulate some amount of activity on the line, even though I expect it has been decades since this machine was actually connected to a code line.

Note the original Norfolk Southern Railway crossing between New Hill and Merry Oaks

Even more pictures are in the gallery at

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