As I've mentioned on the blog before, I have built a bit of a brass collection.
I admire the craftsmanship found in the models and like how they illustrate a section of the hobby that has faded significantly in my lifetime.
Most brass models made today are from South Korea, for the handful of producers and importers that are carrying on today. At one time, there was over 10 importers that were doing fairly significant business, but at this point, I think we are down to 2 or 3.
My collection is mostly Overland Models, aka OMI, with a handful of other importers represented, mostly all produced in Korea. I have a single produced in Japan model, a Fujiyama RF&P 4-8-4 that was imported by Pacific Fast Mail.
I am planning on a couple more in depth brass posts in the next few months, but for now, I will close this post with a group shot to tease what is coming up.